Making a Christmas angel is much easier than you think. Even kids can get in on this action, and all you need are a few common crafting items and a water bottle. Yes, I said a water bottle! Take a look at these adorable DIY Christmas angels below.
This project is so simple and so cute that anyone can make one of these angels. You can use them as toppers for smaller Christmas trees or as stand-alone decor.
I like to scatter a few throughout the house. I place a few on the mantle and a few on shelves. Sometimes, I use one for the top of my miniature tree.

Materials Needed to DIY a Christmas Angel
- empty water bottle or similar plastic beverage bottle
- 4” or wider ribbon and/or similar fabric
- pipe cleaner
- matching ball ornament
- glue gun or other fast-acting craft glue
- additional ribbon/trim/accessories (optional)

About the Materials
Bottles – I like to use water bottles that have horizontal lines below the flair. This gives me a nice built-in cutting guide. If your bottle does not have an obvious spot to make the cut, I recommend making a level mark around the circumference.
Ribbon – You will need a minimum of 4” ribbon for the body. However, this will not leave extra for tucking under the bottom rim. I like to use scrap fabric for the body and utilize matching ribbons for the bows and trim.
Pipe Cleaner – You can use any color that you like. But since this is going to be the halo and arms, I like to use gold and/or silver pipe cleaners.
Ball Ornament – The size that you need will depend on the size of the bottle/body. Most of the time, small-sized balls work best. I like to use either silver or gold balls for the face. Sometimes I use a ball that matches the fabric.
Glue Gun – A glue gun will make the project move along at a fast pace, but when children are doing the project, I recommend using a different type of glue.
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Cut a straight line around the perimeter of the bottle just below the neck flair. Test that the cut section can stand level. Make adjustments as necessary to get a straight cut.

Attach fabric or wide ribbon to the cut bottle section. Hint – I find it best glue the fabric along the bottom/cut edge leaving about 1/2” of fabric overhanging the edge. Then, fold the overhanging fabric over the raw edge and glue to the inside. Finally, attach fabric around the neck of the bottle by gluing in small pleated sections.

Next, using matching ribbon, tie a bow around the neck of the bottle. This will make the angels waist.

For the arms and halo, wrap the pipe cleaner around the neck so that about 2” of both ends face the front. Twist the pipe cleaner at the backside and shape a loop over the bottle opening.

Finally, glue a ball ornament over the mouth of the bottle to make the angels head.

For extra pizzaz, you can trim the bottom of the dress with ribbon. Add sequins/glitter for that sparkle factor. You can also finish out the face if you like.
Now that you know how easy it is to make these cutie pies, make up several of these DIY Christmas Angels in different finishes and spread them around!